
Thursday, September 10, 2009 that some kind of thing we eat and pass it on to other ? :

few days (or weeks ? ) ago indri got this friendship award and decide to pass it on to other blogger and she told me that my name is on the list , so i decide to give it a go , my blog havent updated yet for a while ,afterall. but as usual the rule will be bend as i see it fit :p

*post picture +checked
*backlinking +checked
*blog followed +checked
*make a post + you're reading it

i dont know to whom this award must be given, to best friend ? or to the one who constantly communicate ? i cant choose which one i decide to ask for a vision , and suddenly ..bam! there goes the answer popping out in my head ,yey.
so.. this award will be given to... +drumroll+.....+another drumroll+


yes you!! no not those man with the funny expression over there , im givin it to you . why ? well since youre reading this blog , it means you do care about me and tryin to communicate with me ..haha.. okay , stop jumping around , and stop biting that desk

go on and pass this award to other , and share the joy ...of backlink :D

...Baca Terusannya

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